Monday, October 10, 2011

How Do You Like Them Apples...(With Rum, Please)

Things I'm loving about right now: earlier sunsets, cool breezes and leaves that crunch when you step on them, blue skies and yellow leaves, football Sundays, pumpkin pie candles, apple cider...with rum.

I usually opt for wine and beer over the hard stuff, but this apple cider cocktail has changed my mind. I'm sure I'm not the first one to mix rum with apple cider, but I thought I would do my due diligence and pass the recipe along to you all.

Coat the rim of a glass with cinnamon. Fill with ice, a cinnamon stick, a shot or two of dark rum, and 8 oz or so of real apple cider. Make sure you get the real stuff- it's usually in the produce section not the juice aisle. Once the weather gets colder, I'm sure this would be fabulous warm.


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